Every year the BCS community comes together demonstrating energy, passion and commitment in support of BCS. Together with our wonderful teachers, administration, and families WE ARE BCS and we celebrate being Bold, Creative and Strong.
We are Bold. By sending our children to BCS we make a bold choice in education.
We are Creative. Our community of parents, teachers and supporters believe wholeheartedly in nurturing children’s creativity.
We are Strong. Our school has grown and persevered to develop an empowering and rigorous learning environment that nurtures each child’s unique strength and inspires them to achieve their full potential.
Invest in Bullis Charter School!
Thanks to the BCS Foundation, our school has the financial resource it needs to offer a rigorous, integrated learning environment highlighted by Signature Programs including BCS STEAM Fab Lab & MakerSpace, World Language, Drama & Visual Arts, PBLs, Co-curriculars & Extra-curriculars, and Middle School Intersession.
We are calling on all BCS families to join the campaign. While no gift is required, each year we strive for 100% participation from our families and gifts of all sizes and levels help us reach our goal. We ask that each family contribute what they can to help cover the public funding gap between what BCS receives from state and local sources and the actual cost of educating a student.
We aim to raise and contribute 1/3 of BCS's annual budget to ensure all BCS learners perform, learn a language, problem solve and develop a lifelong love of learning. Over 75% BCS's annual budget supports teachers' salary, benefits and professional development so that every class is taught by credentialed, innovative, highly trained educators.​
The Annual Campaign starts now and runs through December, but early gifts help so much. Make your gift or commitment now if you can. Being a charter school means we have the freedom to be Bold and Creative while developing a lifelong love of learning in our children. Your gift to the Annual Campaign will keep us Strong!