our impact
signature programs
Bullis Charter School offers a whole-child education that addresses our learners’ intellectual and academic growth while igniting curiosity and engagement through various CORE+ curriculum offerings. The BCS Foundation invests heavily in the development of these key curriculum and programmatic enhancements by providing for staff development, professional training and collaboration days.
Co-Curricular classes offer 1st-5th grade learners authentic learning experiences designed to cultivate curiosity and promote student engagement during the school day. Learners further explore their interests in after-school Extracurriculars that provide creative opportunities for growth. Both cos & extras are designed to enhance BCS Core+ Curriculum through developed by BCS teachers highlighting their unique talents and interests.
Electives are weekly specialized courses that middle schoolers participate in which provide them opportunities to explore deeper topics such within the visual and performing arts as well as engineering and robotics in our Fabrication Lab. Students will choose an elective from a curated list of classes. They will then attend their chosen class until the next semester. Some examples of the 2023-2024 electives included Open FabLab, Musical Theatre, Advanced Acting, and Middle School Band. Take a look at how our student’s chosen passions lead for project based learning.
During Middle School Intersession, the regular school curriculum was contained in nine-week blocks interspersed with three-week intersessions of specialized learning. The nine-week blocks of curriculum include the usual BSC education, electives, language arts, and math. The intersessions are comprised of small group instruction ranging from woodworking, entrepreneurship, to home economics. Intersession also features the Junior Achievement program which is an entrepreneurship focused course. Our middle schoolers develop soft skills such as teamwork and community building with the hard skills that come with designing and programing languages.