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How is Bullis Charter School Funded?

As a not-for-profit, public charter school BCS receives public funding, however, those funds do not fully cover the expense of educating our students. In fact, BCS receives less federal and state funding and less of the local property and parcel taxes than other local public schools. The BCS Foundation raises funds from generous parents and community members to cover this funding gap. Currently, the BCS Foundation supports approximately 30% of Bullis Charter School's operating budget through tax-deductible donations to our Annual Campaign.

Because of differences in funding formulas for public charter schools vs many traditional public schools, Bullis Charter School experiences a Public Funding Gap of approximately $8,300 per student and this gap continues to grow. During the 2020-21 school year, for example, BCS expected to receive 75% of its funding from public sources.  In contrast, LASD expected to receive nearly 100% of needed funding from public sources.


Despite these funding challenges and spending less per student than many other local public elementary schools, Bullis Charter School continues to offer its learners a top rated, child focused, innovative education.  Almost 85% of BCS’s operating expenses support teacher and staff salaries, teacher training, books and supplies.

Public Funding Gap ~$8,300 per student (8).png

Charitable donations ensure that every BCS student has a chance to code, play math games, learn a language, sing, act, problem solve and develop a lifelong love of learning.

How can you help?

We invite all BCS families and supporters to contribute to our Annual Campaign! This school year the Foundation has committed to raising $5 million to support BCS's ongoing operating expenses.


The campaign starts now and runs through December! Click here to contribute to the BCS Foundation:




"I give to the foundation because of all the opportunities BCS affords its students.  The diverse offerings allow all students to find a place to succeed and fail.  They learn as much, if not more, from their failures and then use those lessons the next time they are challenged and define success on their own terms." 


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